311 North Street, White Plains, NY

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Outpatient treatment for compression fractures of the spine

Vertebroplasty & Kyphoplasty are minimally invasive procedures used to treat compression fractures of the spine, often from osteoporosis or injury. In both procedures, cement is injected through a hollow needle directly into the vertebrae. The cement strengthens and stabilizes the vertebrae, allowing you to stand straight, relieving pressure on nerves and the associated pain, and preventing further fracturing and damage. If the shape of the vertebrae has not been compromised, Vertebroplasty is typically performed. If the vertebrae has compressed or is uneven, Kyphoplasty is performed, which entails inserting a small balloon, inflating it until the vertebrae retains its normal height and shape, removing it and then filling the vertebrae with the stabilizing cement.

What to Expect

Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty each take about an hour to perform. They are usually performed under a local anesthetic, meaning you are awake during the procedure. You will remain in place while the cement hardens; about 10 minutes. You will be able to sit up after about an hour, and walk after about 2 hours.

Recovery/Side Effects

The procedure is usually performed on an outpatient basis and you will be able to return home following treatment. Generally, after about 24 hours, you will gradually be able to resume normal activities. A physical therapy regimen of gentle stretching and strengthening is usually part of your rehabilitation plan. Risks and side effects of the procedures are minimal and we will discuss and concerns you may have prior to treatment.

Get relief. Live Pain Free. Schedule an appointment today!